Sunday, November 14, 2010

48th Highlanders Museum- April 2008

Your visit to the 48th Highlanders Museum will take you on a voyage through time and space, a century into the past and around the world:
- from Victorian Toronto in 1891 when the Regiment was formed to the present day.
- from South Africa battlefield at the turn of the century, Europe through two World Wars to the modem areas of conflict through peacekeeping Highlanders can be found working in aid of peace in all four comers of the globe.

he 48th Highlanders Museum was formed in 1959 at the Old Comrades Association then at 519 Church Street. The museum moved to its present location (St. Andrew's Church) and was officially opened by HM Queen Elizabeth II on the 29, June 1997. A non-profit organization, the 48th Highlanders Museum is staffed by former members of the Regiment who volunteer in a variety of roles under the direction of the Museum Committee. The Museum manages a portion of the 48th Highlanders historical collection on behalf of the 48th Highlanders Trust.

St. Andrew's Church has always been the spiritual home of the 48th Highlanders. The church safeguards the Regiment's "Old Colours" which hang in the Chancel. The communion table was a gift of the 48th Highlanders Sergeants' Mess in 1934 and contains the Regiment's Book of Remembrance. In the East Gallery hangs the "48th Highlanders" stained glass window.

The 48th Highlanders Museum exists: to collect, preserve, and present the history, tradition and heritage of the 48th Highlanders of Canada; to exhibit the physical legacy of the Regiment and interpret its experience in war and peace and, to illustrate and commemorate the contributions that the 48th have made within the community of Toronto and the nation of Canada. The history of the 48th Highlanders is presented for the benefit of former and present members of the Regiment and their relatives plus the general public. Further the museum exists to develop programs that broaden, and deepen the appreciation and understanding of the 48th Highlanders, stimulate interest in and maintain the relevance of the Regiment's past for future generations.


- To create and maintain an exhibit that encompasses and highlights the heritage of the 48th Highlanders. The core theme of the exhibit is to illustrate the history of the Regiment through uniforms and accoutrement of its members.
- To house and conserve the records of the 48th Highlanders of Canada.
- To provide a research facility to further communicate the history of the Regiment.
- To assist the 48th Highlanders Trust in the management of the Regiment Collection.
- To support outside projects that further the mission of the museum.
- To provide former members or their family with data regarding their service in the Regiment.

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